Never deal with crowds at the movies again (and eat as much popcorn as you want!) with a custom theater right in your own home.
With all the time we’ve been spending at home lately, many of us probably miss the experience of going to the movies. But why pay for expensive movie tickets and snacks when you can have the same experience (if not better!) right in your own living room? A custom home theater allows you to watch all your favorite movies without the hassle of getting tickets or dealing with distracting people in the audience. Watch anything you can access from Netflix, Hulu, or any platform of your choice with hardly any effort at all.
TAGS: Home Audio Video | Home Theater Installation
on Monday, 18 October 2021.
Posted in Custom Home Theater - Greenwich, CT , Custom Home Theater
Learn about the benefits that industry-leading systems Control4, Lutron, and Savant bring to your luxury home and lifestyle.
Smart home automation offers you the luxury and convenience of a home that enhances your lifestyle and responds to your needs. However, designing a system that fits you requires a knowledgeable and experienced integrator with innovative manufacturers you can trust.
At Integrated Electronic Solutions, we work with companies that exemplify the highest quality, flexibility, and reliability to not only meet but exceed your expectations. Three of these companies, Control4, Savant, and Lutron, develop products that are lauded by the trade press and homeowners just like you.
Are you intrigued by the possibilities of technology that can make your Greenwich, CT home happier, healthier, and more entertaining? Continue reading to find out more.
TAGS: Control4 | Home Theater | Lighting Control | Lutron | Savant | Smart Home Automation | Whole-Home Audio
on Friday, 06 August 2021.
Posted in Smart Home Automation Greenwhich, CT, Smart Home Automation
Find Your Perfect Lighting Match By Working With A Professional
Custom lighting fixtures can have a major impact on the way your New York, NY home appears, and surprisingly, even on your mood! A lighting control system may not sound like the most exciting smart technology product you would want in your home, but custom lighting fixtures make all the difference.
In this blog post, we dive into a few of our favorite companies to recommend to our clients for custom lighting fixtures and what makes them unique. Ready to get started? Keep reading!
TAGS: DMF Lighting | Ketra | Lighting Control | USAI | WAC
on Friday, 11 June 2021.
Posted in Custom Lighting Fixtures New York, NY, Custom Lighting Fixtures
Coastal Source LED Lighting Helps Extend Indoor Living to the Outdoors
Every year, spring and summer beckon us to the outdoors to enjoy the warm sun, bright blue skies, and scents of the seasons. Now is the time to prepare your backyard spaces for lounging, entertaining, and all the other fun activities you like to enjoy outdoors.
As you tend to your gardens and clean off your patio furniture, be sure to consider your outdoor lighting. Proper landscape lighting can extend your favorite outdoor activities well into the evening.
Whether you sport a small rooftop backyard in New York City or a spacious yard in the suburbs of Westchester, Coastal Source landscape lighting can bring new life to your outdoor living spaces. Discover the possibilities below.
TAGS: Outdoor Lighting | Outdoor Technology NY
on Friday, 23 April 2021.
Posted in Landscape Lighting New York NY, Landscape Lighting