Did You Know It Can Elevate Your Mood?
When you think of home lighting automation, do you think of it as a luxury? It is arguably a luxury to have it, but it has other benefits besides simplified and automated control of your indoor and outdoor lighting. The first tangible benefit is energy efficiency. Lighting control helps you light areas when needed and save energy when you don't. Also, fine adjustment through precise dimming control helps with energy efficiency.
But another benefit to lighting automation exists that isn’t talked about as much. This benefit is enabled by modern LED lighting technology. Newer LED lighting allows for tunable white light, which is the ability to shift light from cooler (bluer) shades to warmer (amber and red) tones, mimicking daylight and sunset lighting. Color temperature was available in the past with specific bulbs, but they were fixed - if you picked a daylight shade, you were stuck with that all the time. LED tunable white light lets you vary the hue and intensity all along the color spectrum.
Even better, some LED lighting has a wide spectrum of color. You can have blue, red, green, or custom color lighting – dim or bright. There are both fun and useful aspects of this capability, but tunable white light has unexpected benefits in health and mood as well.
We are proud to offer Ketra lighting, the leader in tunable lighting. Moreover, Ketra is now part of Lutron, the leading home lighting automation vendor, so now you can automate and control your lighting for the best effects in your New York home.
Ketra’s scientists found that humans enjoy a “warm dimming” effect since it emulates how bluish, cool daylight transitions to an amber sunset. If you ever use “night mode” on your smartphone, you are using this same concept. The warmer tones of this mode help relax you more than brighter bluish light, so you don't overdo your screen time and keep yourself awake later at night.
How can Ketra tunable light make your home a little happier and healthier? Read on to learn more.
TAGS: Ketra | Lutron Lighting Control | Smart Home Automation | Smart Lighting | Tunable Lighting
on Wednesday, 17 April 2019.
Posted in Home Lighting Automation; New York, Home Lighting Automation
Simplify and Economize Your New York Business
If you own a business in New York City, you have possibly experienced the convenience and financial benefits of commercial lighting control. Automated office lighting is a wonderful way to manage your electricity use and create a warm and stylish space. If you haven’t employed the power of lighting control, you may be wondering what it does. This intuitive technology consists of a network that allows you to control all your lights fixtures through one system. You can easily manage your electric bills and have extraordinary oversight. Recently, Lutron--a premier provider of automated lighting--released their revolutionary Vive series. It specializes in large systems, like a New York office. Read on to learn more.
TAGS: Commercial Lighting Design | Lutron Vive | Whole Building Lighting
on Tuesday, 31 January 2017.
Posted in Commercial Lighting Control New York, NY, Commercial Lighting Control
Start the New Year Right with the Latest Entertainment Options
This year, make a resolution to enjoy yourself more. With a new home audio/video system, you and your family will savor your time together at home. After a long day in the office, you can come home and relax by listening to your favorite music throughout your home or watch the game with a crystal-clear picture. Also, you will be creating a great space for entertaining guests. Is your Westchester, NY home ready for 2017, or does it still have technologies from the early 2000s? Maybe it’s time to upgrade for the New Year. Keep reading to learn about the latest trends in the world of audio/video and find out how they could impact your home.
TAGS: Hidden Technologies | Smart Home Automation | Smart Home Security
on Wednesday, 11 January 2017.
Posted in Home Audio Video Westchester, NY, Home Audio Video
The Modern Homebuyer Looks for Smart Home Automation
We here in New York, NY understand how difficult the real estate market can be. While there are many factors, like location and demand, that can’t be controlled, you can still improve your home’s overall sell-ability with a few changes. Whether you’re looking to sell your place soon or you’re thinking ahead, incorporating smart home automation in your present apartment is a great way to increase its value. Plus, it offers buyers a great selling point: a space that is immediately ready for move-in. Your home will have a network of integrated electronics that can be customized to any homeowner’s preferences. To learn more about what makes a smart home exceedingly sellable, read on.
TAGS: Home Automation NY | Smart Home Automation | Smart Home New York
on Friday, 02 December 2016.
Posted in Smart Home Automation